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Conference proceedings
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- Nicolazzi, E.L., Bacheller, L.R., Fok, G.C., Parker Gaddis, K.L., Jensen, L., Megonigal, Jr., J.H., Norman, H.D., Null, D.J., Walton, L.M., Wiggans, G.R., Cole, J.B., Durr, J.W., and VanRaden, P.M. Enhancements to U.S. genetic and genomic evaluations in 2018 and 2019. Interbull Bull. 55:26–29. 2019.
- Wiggans, G.R., VanRaden, P.M., Nicolazzi, E.L., Tooker, M.E., Megonigal, Jr., J.H., and Walton, L.M. Extending genomic evaluations to crossbred dairy cattle – US implementation. Interbull Bull. 55:46–49. 2019.
- Cole, J.B., Parker Gaddis, K.L., Null, D.J., Maltecca, C., and Clay, J.S. Genome-wide association study and gene network analysis of fertility, retained placenta, and metritis in US Holstein cattle. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Biol.–Disease Resist. 1, p. 610. 2018.
- Fragomeni, B.O., Lourenco, D.A.L., Legarra, A., Tooker, M.E., VanRaden, P.M., and Misztal, I. Use of causative variants and SNP weighting in a single-step GBLUP context. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Methods and Tools–Prediction 1, p. 140. 2018.
- Jiang, J., Ma, L., Prakapenka, D., Tooker, M.E., VanRaden, P.M., Cole, J.B., and Da, Y. Extreme antagonistic pleiotropy effects of DGAT1 on fat, milk and protein yields. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Electron. Poster Sess.–Mol. Genet. 3, p. 142. 2018.
- Masuda, Y., Misztal, I., VanRaden, P., and Lawlor, T. Pre-selection bias and validation method in single-step GBLUP for production traits in US Holstein. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Biol. & Species–Bovine (dairy) 1, p. 540. 2018.
- Mueller, M.L., Cole, J.B., Sonstegard, T.S., and Van Eenennaam, A.L. Simulation of introgression of the polled allele into the Holstein breed via conventional breeding versus gene editing. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Gene Editing, p. 755. 2018.
- Parker Gaddis, K.L., Tooker, M.E., Wright, J.R., Megonigal Jr., J.H., Clay, J.S., Cole, J.B., and VanRaden, P.M. Development of national genomic evaluations for health traits in U.S. Holsteins. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Genet. Gain–Breed. Obj. and Econ. of Select. Schemes 1, p. 594. 2018.
- Ruiz-López, F.J., García-Ruiz, A., Cole, J.B., Wiggans, G.R., and Van Tassell, C.P. Impact of genomic selection on genetic gain of net merit of US dairy cattle. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Electron. Poster Sess.–Biol. & Species–Bovine (dairy) 2, p. 710. 2018.
- Santos, D.J.A., Cole, J.B., VanRaden, P.M., Lawlor, T.J., Tonhati, H., and Ma, L. Obtaining variance of gametic diversity with genomic models. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Methods and Tools–Prediction 2, p. 176. 2018.
- VanRaden, P.M., Spangler, G.L., Van Tassell, C.P.,Jiang, J., Ma, L., DeNise, S.K., and O'Connell, J.R. Predicting which variants genotype well with array vs. sequence data. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, 4 pp. 2018.
- VanRaden, P.M., O’Connell, J.R., Connor, E.E., VandeHaar, M.J., Tempelman, R.J., and Weigel, K.A. Including feed intake data from U.S. Holsteins in genomic prediction. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Biol.–Feed Intake and Efficiency 1, p. 125. 2018.
- Verardo, L.L., Stafuzza, N.B., Munari, D.P., Zerlotini, A., Chud, T.C.S., Garrick, D.J., Cole, J.B., Panetto, J.C.C., Machado, M.A., Martins, M.F., and Silva, M.V.G.B. A gene-transcription factor network associated with residual feed intake based on SNVs/InDels identified in Gir, Girolando and Holstein cattle breeds. Proc. 11th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, Feb. 11–16, Vol. Electron. Poster Sess.–Biol. & Species–Bovine (dairy) 1, p. 193. 2018.
- Liu, Z., VanRaden, P.M., Lidauer, M.H., Calus, M.P., Benhajali, H., Jorjani, H., and Ducrocq, V. Approximating genomic reliabilities for national genomic evaluation. Interbull Bull. 51:75–85. 2017.
- Dalton, J., Moore, D., Spencer, T.E., Hansen, P.J., Cole, J.B., and Neibergs, H. Genetics, genomics and fertility. Clinical Theriogenology 8(3):165–170. 2016.
- Bickhart, D.M., Cole, J.B., Hutchison, J.L., Xu, L., and Liu, G.E.
Using the whole read:
Structural variant detection using NGS data. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet.
Appl. Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 164. 2014.
- Cole, J.B., Hutchison, J.L., Null, D.J., VanRaden, P.M., Liu, G.E.,
Schroeder, S.G., Smith, T.P., Sonstegard, T.S., Van Tassell, C.P., and
Bickhart, D.M. The hunt for a functional mutation affecting conformation and calving
traits on chromosome 18 in Holstein cattle. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet.
Appl. Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 304. 2014.
- Cooper, T.A., Wiggans, G.R., and VanRaden, P.M. Including cow information in genomic prediction of Holstein dairy cattle in the US. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet.
Appl. Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 803. 2014.
- García-Ruiz, A., Ruiz-Lopez, F.J., Wiggans, G.R., Van Tassell, C.P., and Montaldo, H.H.
Impact of adding foreign genomic information on Mexican Holstein imputation. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet. Appl.
Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 479. 2014.
- Lawlor, T.J., VanRaden, P.M., Null, D., Levisee, J., and Dorhorst,
B. Using haplotypes to
unravel the inheritance of Holstein coat color. Proc.
10th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug.
17–22, Commun. 289. 2014.
- Ortega, M.S., Denicol, A.C., Null, D.J., Cole, J.B., and Hansen, P.J.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes related to daughter pregnancy rate in Holstein cows. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet. Appl.
Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 639. 2014.
- Sargolzaei, M., Schaeffer, L.R., Chesnais, J.P., Kistemaker, G., Wiggans, G.R., and Schenkel, F.S.
Approximation of reliability of direct genomic breeding values. Proc.
10th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug.
17–22, Commun. 485. 2014.
- Spurlock, D.M., Tempelman, R.J., Weigel, K.A., Armentano, L.E., Wiggans, G.R., Veerkamp, R.F., de Haas, Y., Coffey, M.P., Connor, E.E., Hanigan, M.D., Staples, C., and VandeHaar, M.J. Genetic architecture and biological basis of feed efficiency in dairy cattle. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet. Appl.
Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 287. 2014.
- Su, G., Nielsen, U.S., Wiggans, G., Aamand, G.P., Guldbrandtsen, B., and Lund, M.S.
Improving genomic prediction for Danish Jersey using a joint Danish-US reference population. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet. Appl.
Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 060. 2014.
- Sun, C., VanRaden, P.M., Cole, J.B., and O’Connell, J.R.
Increasing predictive ability
using dominance in genomic selection. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet. Appl.
Livest. Prod., Vancouver, BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 291. 2014.
- VanRaden, P.M., Sun, C., Cooper, T.A., Null, D.J., and Cole, J.B. Keynote presentation III: Genotypes are useful
for more than genomic evaluation. Proc. 39th Int. Commun. Anim. Recording Sess.,
Berlin, Germany, May 19–23, 4 pp. 2014.
- Wiggans, G.R., Cooper, T.A., Null, D.J., and VanRaden, P.M.
Increasing the number of
single nucleotide polymorphisms used in genomic evaluations of dairy
cattle. Proc. 10th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Vancouver,
BC, Canada, Aug. 17–22, Commun. 301. 2014.
- Stock, K.F., Cole, J., Pryce, J., Gengler. N., Bradley, A., Andrews, L., Heringstad, B., and Egger-Danner, C.
Standardization of health data. ICAR guidelines including health key. ICAR Tech. Ser. 17:75–81. 2013.
- Ehrlich, J.L., Cole, J.B., and Null, D.
Measuring a milk
response – lactation models add power. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Bovine
Practitioners, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 20–22, Res. Summ. 4, AABP483. 2012.
- Stock, K.F., Cole, J.B., Pryce, J., Gengler, N., Bradley, A.,
Andrew, L., and Egger-Danner, C.
Survey on the recording and
use of functional traits in dairy management and breeding. Proc. Intl.
Committee Anim. Recording, Cork, Ireland, May 28–June 1, 7 pp. 2012.
- VanRaden, P.M., Olson, K.M., Null, D.J., Sargolzaei, M., Winters,
M., and van Kaam, J.B.C.H.M.
Reliability increases
from combining 50,000- and 777,000- marker genotypes from four countries.
Interbull Bull. 46:75–79. 2012.
- Lombard, J.E., Norman, H.D., Kopral, C.A, Rodriquez, J.M., and
Wright, J.R. European Union bulk
tank SCC standards and proposed US standards: Compliance based on data from
four Federal Milk Marketing Orders. Proc. Intl. Symposium Mastitis and Milk
Quality, St. Louis, MO, Sept. 22–24, pp. 5–9. 2011.
- Wiggans, G.R., VanRaden, P.M., and Cooper, T.A.
Dairy genomics in
application. Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conf., St. Paul, MN, May
17–19, pp. 29–38. 2011.
- Cole, J.B., Wiggans, G.R., Ma, L., Sonstegard, T.A., Crooker, B.A.,
Van Tassell, C.P., Yang, J., Matukumalli, L.K., and Da, Y.
High resolution QTL maps of 31
traits in contemporary U.S. Holstein cows. Proc. 9th World Congr. Genet.
Appl. Livest. Prod., Leipzig, Germany, Aug. 1–6. Commun. 464, 4 pp.
- Daetwyler, H.D., Wiggans, G.R., Hayes, B.J., Wolliams, J.A., and
Goddard, M.E. Imputation of
missising genotypes from sparse to high density using long-range phasing.
Proc. 9th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Leipzig, Germany, Aug.
1–6. Commun. 539, 4 pp. 2010.
- Weigel, K.A., de los Campos, G., Vazquez, A.I., Van Tassell, C.P.,
Rosa, G.J.M., Gianola, D., O’Connell, J.R., VanRaden, P.M., and Wiggans, G.R.
Genomic selection and its
effects on dairy cattle breeding programs. Proc. 9th World Congr. Genet.
Appl. Livest. Prod., Leipzig, Germany, Aug. 1–6. Commun. 119, 8 pp.
- Wiggans, G.R., Cooper, T.A., VanRaden, P.M., and Silva, M.V.
Increased reliability of genetic
evaluations for dairy cattle in the United States from use of genomic
information. Proc. 9th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Leipzig,
Germany, Aug. 1–6. Commun. 476, 4 pp. 2010.
- Banos, G., Calus, M., Ducrocq, V., Dürr, J., Jorjani, H., Liu,
Z., Mäntysaari, E., Sullivan, P., and VanRaden, P.
report from Interbull Task Force on the role of genomic information in genetic
evaluations. Interbull Bull. 39:6166. 2009.
- Cole, J.B., VanRaden, P.M., O’Connell, J.R., Van Tassell, C.P.,
Sonstegard, T.S., Schnabel, R.D., Taylor, J.F., and Wiggans, G.R.
Distribution and location of genetic
effects for dairy traits. ICAR Tech Ser. 13:355–360. 2009.
- Miglior, F., de Jong, G., Liu, Z., Mattalia, S., Schaeffer, L.R.,
Tondo, A., and VanRaden, P. Report of the
ICAR Working Group on lactation calculation methods. ICAR Tech Ser.
13:271273. 2009.
- Schenkel, F.S., Sargolzaei, M., Kistemaker, G., Jansen, G.B.,
Sullivan, P., Van Doormaal, B.J., VanRaden, P.M., and Wiggans, G.R.
of genomic evaluation of Holstein cattle in Canada. Interbull Bull.
39:51–58. 2009.
- VanRaden, P.M., Van Tassell, C.P., Wiggans, G.R., Sonstegard, T.S.,
Schnabel, R.D., Taylor, J.F., and Schenkel, F.
Genomic data and cooperation result in faster
progress. ICAR Tech Ser. 13:341–346. 2009.
- Wiggans, G.R., Sonstegard, T.S., VanRaden, P.M., Matukumalli, L.K.,
Schnabel, R.D., Taylor, J.F., Chesnais, J.P., Schenkel, F.S., and Van Tassell,
C.P. Genomic evaluations in the United States
and Canada: A collaboration. ICAR Tech Ser. 13:347–353. 2009.
- Norman, H.D., Hutchison, J.L., Wright, J.R., and Hubbard, S.M.
A national sire fertility index. Proc.
Dairy Cattle Reproductive Council Conf., Omaha, NE, Nov. 7–8, pp.
45–52. 2008.
- Norman, H.D., Wright, J.R., Hubbard, S.M., Kuhn, M.T., and Miller,
R.H. Genetic selection for reproduction:
Current reproductive status of the national herd; Application of selection
indexes for dairy producers. Proc. Dairy Cattle Reproductive Council Conf.,
Denver, CO, Nov. 2–3, pp. 69–78. 2007.
- Misztal, I., Bohmanova, J., Freitas, S., Norman, H.D., and Lawlor,
T.J. Issues in genetic evalation of
dairy cattle for heat tolerance. Proc. 8th World Congr. Genet. Appl.
Livest. Prod., Commun. 01-12. 2006.
- Norman, H.D., Van Tassell, C.P., and VanRaden, P.M. Optimum genetic
choices for dairy producers using grazing practices. Proc. Amer. Forage and
Grasslands Counc. 13:219. 2004.
- Ashwell, M.S., Schnabel, R.D., Sonstegard, T., and Van Tassell, C.P.
Fine-mapping of QTL affecting protein percent and fat percent on BTA6 in a
popular U.S. Holstein family. Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod.
31:123–126. 2002.
- Gasbarre, L.C., Sonstegard, T., Van Tassell, C.P., and Padilha, T.
Detection of QTL affecting parasite resistance in a selected herd of Angus
cattle. Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. 31:627–630.
- Wiggans, G.R., and Van Tassell, C.P.
Genetic resources
for current and future development of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. Proc.
2000 Anim. Breed. and Anim. Genet. Resources, Sustainable Anim. Prod. Workshop
7, pp. 33–38. Groeneveld, E., and Glodek, P. ed.). Fed. Agric. Res. Ctr.,
Mariensee, Germany. 2002.
- Miller, R.H., Norman, H.D., Wiggans, G.R., and Wright, J.R. National
survey of herd average somatic cell counts on DHI test days. Proc. Natl.
Mastitis Counc. Annu. Mtg., Arlington, VA, Feb. 14–17, pp. 161–162.
- Keown, J.F., Montaldo, H., Van Vleck, L.D., and Van Tassell, C.P.
Economic responses and risk from use of
selected Holstein sires in Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, and USA. Proc.
6th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. 23:327–330. 1998.
- Misztal, I., Varona, L., Culbertson, M., Gengler, N., Bertrand,
J.K., Mabry, J., Lawlor, T.J., and Van Tassell, C.P.
Studies on the value of incorporating
effect of dominance in genetic evaluations of dairy cattle, beef cattle, and
swine. Proc. 6th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. 25:513–516.
- Ron, M., Heyen, D.W., Weller, J.I., Band, M., Feldmesser, E.,
Pasternak, H., Da, Y., Wiggans, G.R., VanRaden, P.M., Ezra, E., and Lewin, H.A.
Detection and analysis of a locus
affecting milk concentration in the US and Israeli dairy cattle
populations. Proc. 6th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod.
26:422–425. 1998.
- Da, Y., VanRaden, P.M., Li, N., and Wu, C. Construction of linkage
maps for dominant genetic markers. Proc. Inter. Conf. Anim. Biotech., pp.
10–16. Li, N., and Chen, Y. (ed.). Inter. Acad. Publ., Beijing, China.
- Powell, R.L. International genetic evaluations. Proc. 1997 Inter. Red
Cow Conf., Oct. 1, 1997, Tech. Sem., 5 pp. 1997.
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